The following post is written for informational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your physician before starting or stopping any medication and or exercise regimen.
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A while back I shared with you the 5 best supplements to ease the pain of arthritis naturally. Now, I’d like to share with you my 5 must have items to help you survive a flare-up.
If you do not have a chronic illness and or do not know what a flare-up is, find out more now.
During a flare-up of my arthritis, there are 5 items I must have to survive the flare-up. I’m all about making people feel better so here’s what they are. Hopefully they will help you too!
1. the first of 5 must have items to help you survive a flare-up: Ice Pack/Heat Pack
The number one item(s) on my list is an ice pack/heat pack. If I’m stiff, I can use the heat to relax my muscles (I especially love the heat on my back). If my joints are red, warm to the touch, and or swelling ice on the joint for 20 minutes every hour will not only help with the pain, but will decrease swelling as well. My favorite ice pack is the Bed buddy aromatherapy heat/ice pack. Because I have a heat pad, I keep this in the freezer at all times so it’s cold and ready. BONUS PRO TIP: Ice on your hip can and will prevent bursitis (was told this by my rheumatologist and boy was he right!)
2. Wrist Splint
If you’re like me and have arthritis in your hands or wrists then a wrist splint is an investment that will be well worth it. When I have a flare-up that affects my wrists (mostly my right one since I am right handed and use it the most) I wear a brace to keep my wrist from bending and my hand from drawing up. I love my wrist splint . It is a blessing when I’m having a flare. Especially since I work a full time job where I have to do a lot of writing/typing.
3. Music/Books-two of my most favorite items on the list of 5 items to help you survive a flare-up
One important thing to have on hand during a flare-up is something to keep your mind off of the pain you’re feeling. If I’m hurting too much to sleep, I like to turn on praise and worship music as it can help to calm my troubled mind and help me relax (well, as much as can be possible during a flare). I also like to catch up on some reading as it’s something that does not require any physical activity.
A few of my favorite books to read during a flare-up are Hopeless: 30 Uplifting Devotionals for the Chronically I’ll and those Suffering with Depression by Shelly Benoit Hendricks, This Too Will Pass by Emmett Roper (written about his wife who had Rheumatoid Arthritis) and The First Gardener by Denise Hildreth Jones.
4. Chamomile Tea
For me, chamomile tea can be a great thing any time but especially when I’m in a flare. The heat of the tea and the herbs in it can help you to relax and can help to take your mind off of what you’re feeling. You shouldn’t drink anyway but if you’re on certain medications, you cannot drink. Drinking chamomile tea can be a good alternative to trying to self-medicate with alcohol.
5. A Tub
I don’t think I’d ever make it if I didn’t have a tub where I can take a nice, long, hot bath. I love to add lavender scented Epsom salt to my bath as it can help lessen the aches and pain in the joints and relax your muscles. Not to mention, it can help you rest and you’ll smell amazing too!
What is your favorite thing on this list? Be sure to let me know! Is there a must have product you use to help you survive a flare-up that wasn’t on this list? If so, please share it in the comments below as it might be something we will all enjoy as well 🙂
Like this post? Be sure to check out these low-impact exercises to ease the pain of arthritis and if you are a Christian, you should be sure and read my perspective on having faith and trusting Jesus while in the midst of a flare-up.
Praying for your pain to subside. I know what it is like to live with chronic pain so I can relate. ❤ I love your tips in this post. The bath is my favorite treat!
Thank you so much for your prayers! They are needed and greatly appreciated. Praying for you too!
Thank you for sharing this helpful and informative post on survival items. Your list of essential items is practical and informative, and it’s clear that you put a lot of thought into selecting each item.
I appreciate how you emphasized the importance of preparation and having a plan in case of emergency situations. Your post serves as a useful reminder that unexpected emergencies can happen at any time, and it’s essential to be prepared for them.
I am so glad you found this article to be helpful to you. Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts.