Is there something in your life that you need?
Something in your life you are desperate to see come to pass?
As a young girl who is living with a chronic illness, I know I would love to see God supernaturally heal me.
As someone who is attempting to patiently wait for God to write their love story, I can use hope and assurance that God knows what is best for me.
I’m going to share with you the key to seeing what you want come to pass.
It is the key to help you and I as we desire a move of God.
The Key to Causing God’s Hand to Move: Persistence
So, you’re probably asking yourself “what could this secret “key” possibly be?
You may be screaming “please tell me NOW!”.
Let me share a disclaimer with you, the key I am about to share is not easy but it is life changing.
Are you ready for it?

The key to seeing what you want come to pass is persistence.
What is persistence?
It is continuing on in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Jesus shares with the disciples in Luke 18 a story about a woman full of persistence.
The woman in Luke 18 would go every morning and evening and ask an unfair judge to give her justice against her enemies.
He didn’t believe in God, had no respect for the woman (or anyone else for that matter) but because she constantly asked for his help, the judge finally gave in and granted her request.
What is it that you want God to do more than anything in the world?
Ask him to do it.
Maybe you’ve asked God to do something for years and feel like he isn’t listening to you.
Let me assure you, he is.
God wants you to be persistent in asking.
In verse 6-7 God promises that he will do what it is we are asking him to do but in verse 8 he ask a question.
“when his son [Jesus] comes, will he really find faith on the Earth?”
Do you have the faith necessary to keep seeking an answer?
Do you believe that God is going to answer your prayers?
Remember, you are blessed when you believe that the Lord will fulfill his promise to you (see Luke 1:45).
pray with persistence

To see our hopes and dreams fulfilled, or our desires come to pass, we must constantly ask the Lord to do what we need.
If you have a need, strive to ask the Lord to meet it.
Do not let any obstacles keep you from talking to God.
To put it easily, we must pray without ceasing (stopping).
When you commit to asking God continually to meet your needs and fulfill your desires, the devil will try everything in his power to get you to stop.
Satan will place doubt in your heart and mind.
He will cause you to become impatient, and he will strive to convince you that you don’t have time to spend in prayer.
The devil may convince you that what you’re asking God for is not important.
Let me encourage you now, be persistent and don’t quit asking.
Do not give up, ask God to answer your prayer, then watch as he proves himself faithful.

Once you commit to “pray without ceasing”, you may not see an answer for a long time.
Like Hannah, you may reach the point where you’ve been asking for so long, you laugh at the very idea of God answering your prayer (you can read about Hannah’s reaction in Genesis 18:12).
Hold on, though!
It is at that very moment, that the Lord will prove himself faithful to you.
Do not give up, your answer is on it’s way!
Comment below with something you would like for God to do, then pray this prayer with me.
Then, listen to the song below for some encouragement.
Dear Lord,
I pray for the person reading this right now.
Whatever their need is, I ask that meet it.
I pray that you would uplift and encourage them as they seek you.
Please continue to move in their lives.
I ask that you would give them strength to be persistent, and peace as they wait patiently for you.
Thank you Lord for the work that you are doing, even if it takes a while to see the results of it.
Thank you, God for being faithful in our lives even when we doubt you.
I ask all of this your precious name,
I am needing guidance and direction right now. I just let go of a toxic relationship, and am reaching forward. ❤
I am praying that the Lord lead and guide you as you seek him. I had to break off an engagement with a guy because he was toxic so I know the place you’re coming from. If you ever need to talk, feel free to contact me and I’ll be happy to be a listening ear or help any other way I can. God bless!
Iam in need of marital settlement and divine connection.I believe that every good and perfect gift is from above, and the Father of light with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James1:17