DISCLAIMER: The information found in this post is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult with your physician before attempting any exercise regimen.
In the past I wrote about 5 supplements to ease the pain of arthritis naturally. Another big way to relieve pain in addition to taking supplements is to remain as active as possible. Remaining active and participating in exercise activities can also play a part in easing the pain of arthritis. Do you suffer from arthritis or an arthritis related illness yet want to remain active? You are not alone. Read on to discover 5 of the best low-impact exercises to ease the pain of arthritis.
1. Number 1 of 5 low impact exercises to ease arthritis pain Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is great for helping with the pain and stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis. The buoyancy of the water helps to keep the impact off of your joints. With less impact on your joints, you can exercise without all of the pain.
2. Swimming
Swimming is one of my favorite low-impact exercises to ease the pain of arthritis. Although done in the water like water aerobics, swimming is something entirely different. Whether you choose to to swim against a friend, or you do a few laps on your own, swimming is a wonderful way to get your heart rate up. Plus, there are several different swim strokes you can choose from so you can switch it up and never have to worry about being bored during your exercise routine again.
3. Utilizing a Stationary Bike
Now, you may be asking yourself “how can this possibly ease the pain of arthritis”? Well, if you have tight calf muscles or stiff ankles like I do, this is a great way to loosen your muscles while at the same time increasing leg strength. Take note though, if you have bad pain in your knees, this may not be the right workout for you.
4. Gardening
Yes, you heard that right. Gardening is definitely a way that you can exercise your body. Just remember to take it slow, do not overdo it, and stay hydrated while working in the heat of the day.
5. Yoga
Now, you may be wondering how I can call myself a Christian and recommend yoga as one of the best low impact exercises. Well, for starters it is one of the best exercises because it is low-impact. It stretches the muscles, increases flexibility, and can even help with insomnia. Second, I do not believe that yoga in and of itself is wrong. The most important thing to remember is that you do not have to worship a god or idol while doing yoga. When I do yoga if I feel led to do anything, I will quote scriptures in my mind, pray for my friends and family, and or thank the Lord for his many blessings.
Comment below with your favorite low impact exercise. Do you have a low impact exercise have a low impact exercise that you love and don’t see listed here? Please, share it in the comments below!
For more ideas for low-impact exercises visit the Arthritis Foundation by clicking here.
- Before working out, be sure to stretch so that you do not injure yourself.
- Go slow and listen to your body. Do not try to overdo it when working out. Working out is important but so is protecting your muscles and joints.
- Make sure to use ice on your joints (hips and shoulders especially) for 20 minutes after working out so that you do not develop bursitis or tendonitis (something my rheumatologist told me and something I know is important from painful experience).
- On your rest days, try to incorporate some form of movement such as light stretching to relieve pain and stiffness.
My mom and husband suffer from joint pain. I didn’t know that exercise decreased the pain. I will have to encourage them to exercise more!
It falls withing the yoga category – but I’ve always found that stretching helps ease arthritic pain as well. Great post!