Depression is a mental health disorder that is fairly common. According to the National Network of Depression Centers, depression is the leading cause of disability among 15-44 year old individuals and ranks among the top 3 workplace issues. Wondering if you may be suffering from depression? Here are 10 subtle signs you may have depression.
1. Little Pleasure in Doing Things-One of the Subtle Signs of depression
Have you recently given up hobbies you used to enjoy? Do you find yourself sitting at home alone more often than not? When you do things, do you find pleasure in them or is it as though you’re just going through the motions? If you are experiencing any of these things, it could be a symptom of depression.
2. Trouble Falling Asleep or Sleeping Too Much
Is it all you can do to stay awake? On the other hand, is your mind racing at night and keeping you awake? If you have trouble falling asleep or are sleeping too much, this could be a subtle sign you may have depression.
3. Feeling tired or having little energy
Are you feeling tired or have little energy? While this could be caused by trouble falling asleep, it could also be a sign of depression. Many describe the lack of energy as feeling as though weights are attached to your arms and legs and being unable to move. Generally speaking, depression can cause a heaviness all over your body.
4. Poor appetite/Weight Changes-one of a few subtle signs you may have depression
Depression can cause you to over eat or on the other hand can cause a decrease in appetite. Changes in appetite are often accompanied by weight gain. If you have had medical concerns such as an under- active thyroid ruled out, sudden increase or decrease in appetite with weight changes could be a subtle sign you may have depression.
5. Difficulty Focusing on Tasks or Making Decisions
Is your mind constantly racing through one thought and on to the next? Depression can cause stress which can make it difficult for you to concentrate on tasks or make important decisions. If you find that you are not able to focus like you once were, it may be time for you to seek professional help. Difficulty focusing could be a sign of too much stress but it can also be a subtle sign you may have depression.
6. Feeling Hopeless-a not so subtle sign you may have depression
What does it mean to feel hopeless? It means that you feel that nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to change that.
7. Unexplained Aches and Pains
Also known as somatic complaints, these can be headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches, etc…
8. Feeling tense-believe it or not, it’s a subtle sign you may have depression
Find yourself with tense muscles? This could be a subtle sign you’re experiencing depression.
9. Mood Swings/Periods of Tearfulness
While this could be related to hormones ladies, it could also be a subtle sign of depression so beware.
10. Anger/Irritability
What does anger and irritability look like? it’s simple. Your patience is thin, you’re easily annoyed, everyone gets on your nerves.
If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from depression. Untreated depression can severely impact your quality of life and can make it difficult to complete daily activities. Take this FREE 3 minute Depression Test to see if you’re at risk. If you feel you may be suffering from depression, please talk with a trusted friend, seek help from a counselor, or discuss your concerns with a trusted health care provider. As I mentioned depression is common and it is treatable with the right help. You are not alone.
Feeling hopeless? Sign up for my newsletter and receive a copy of my devotional “Rejoicing in Hope: Discovering Joy in the Journey of Life”.
You may also like to read what to do when you feel hopeless and my 5 steps to choosing joy.