Today is my 27th birthday and in lieu of that, I thought I’d take a moment to share with you 27 things I’ve learned in the last 27 years.
Here is a list of 27 things I’ve learned in the last 27 years.
They are in no particular order.
I hope that you enjoy 😊
27 Things I’ve Learned in 27 Years
1. It is only by the grace of God I am here.
It is the same for you. It is only in God that we live, move, and have our being (see Acts 17:28
2. God is with me wherever I go.

Growing up, I moved a lot. When your Dad is a pastor, it’s something you have to do.
Moving taught me one thing, people may come and go in your life but God is with you wherever you are (see Joshua 1:9).
3. Never be afraid to pray what seems like crazy prayers because God could provide a crazy answer.

Ask me about my craziest answer to prayer! I’d love to share it with you.
4. Walking without a brace is easily one of the most amazing feelings.

About 4 years ago, I had my Achilles’ tendon lengthened so I could walk flat on my foot without the aid of a brace.
Feeling the floor, sand, etc… under that foot for the first time was incredible. I will never take for granted my ability to walk brace free.
5. Some things happen much later than we’d like for them to.
I didn’t get my license until I was 18. I would have liked to have gotten it sooner but I had a lot I had to learn.
We may have our own idea of when things should happen, but when the time is right, God is the one who will make it happen (see Isaiah 60:22).
That leads me to my next point…
6. Do not compare yourself to others.

I could easily get upset when I think of how I’m almost 30 and not married yet while most of my friends are married.
Whenever that spirit of inadequacy comes knocking, I just have to remind myself that while I may not be married, I have a Masters degree, a social work license, a job, and my own car.
How many other 27 year olds can say that?
Your life may not look like everyone else’s but it is ok because you have so much to be proud of in your own right.
7. Anything worth having is worth waiting for
I’ve tried more often than I’d like to admit, to rush things. Every time I’ve tried to rush things, I’ve gotten in trouble.
Anything worth having, is worth waiting for. Don’t rush a good thing.
Be patient, and enjoy the little things.
8. Never be ashamed of your story
Someone out there needs to hear what you’ve been through so they can have hope they’ll make it too.
Never be ashamed of your past or afraid to share your story.
Your testimony could be someone else’s lifeline.
9. You can’t do it alone
It doesn’t matter how hard you try, you can’t make it through this life alone.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say, it takes a village to get through life.
I am thankful for the many family members, friends, coworkers, etc… who have poured into me during my journey.
I couldn’t have made it this far without them.
10. God is Greater than the Ups and Downs

It feels like I’ve been through more in my 27 yeare than many will go through in their lifetime but I am still here.
Even when I felt like my life was over, I made it through to see another day.
I can honestly say that God has been greater than any bad thing I’ve faced.
More Things I’ve Learned
11. A good church family is hard to find
Because of my unique family, we have been asked not to go to some churches.
Finding a good church family that loves and accepts people no matter what their special needs is difficult.
I am thankful we have a church family who loves my special brother and sister as they love anyone else who walks in their door.
12. It could always be worse
As a social worker, I see some of the worst case scenarios and I am reminded on a daily basis that no matter how difficult what I’m facing may seem, someone out there will always have it worse.
13. Full coverage insurance is always worth it
I’ve been in 3 wrecks and rear ended on 2 separate occasions in a parking lot. Trust me when I tell you full coverage insurance is always worth it.
14. Contrary to popular belief, the best things in life are not free
The love of family, the joy of friendship, intimacy with God, will cost you a lot.
It will cost you time which you can never get back, sacrifice, and will-power.
The best things in life are not free but I can promise you, they’re worth it.
15. Pets are Gods gift to man
I had all kinds of pets growing up and I can honestly say that pets are one of God’s greatest gifts.
16. There’s no place like home
When I lived in my own apartment in college, I couldn’t wait to get home on the weekends. Honestly, there’s no place like home.
17. Its ok to take medication
Whether it’s for a physical condition or a mental one, it is ok to take medication.
18. Blogging is a Godsend
Blogging has given me the opportunity to minister to people all over the world, meet friends from all over, and fulfill my passion for writing.
I am so thankful that I was able to learn about blogging and that I was able to start this blog.
19. Being an aunt is one of life’s greatest joys
I have a niece and a nephew now and being their aunt is easily one of the greatest things I’ve ever experienced.
20. Standing up for what’s right is costly but worth it
Standing up for what is right could cost you relationships, a job, etc… but standing up for what is right is always going to be worth it
21. The Bible has the Answer
It doesn’t matter what you’re facing, if you need an answer, read the Bible.
The Bible has an answer to every question, a solution to every problem, a word of hope for every dry season.
22. Pastors Kids Get to Have Family Everywhere
As a PK, I have “family” members all over the state of AL.
I got to leave my heart in several places growing up and I am blessed because of it.
23. Saving money is important
Save as much as you can while you are young.
Once you are married and have a family, it’ll be harder to save money so save now while you have the chance.
24. Take as many photos as often as you can
You never know when all you have left of a loved one is a memory and a photo.
Take as many photos of your loved ones as you can, as often as you can.
Below is the last photo I ever took with my grandmother.
I am so thankful I have this photo with her.

25. You can’t go wrong with black
Black is the best color to wear! You can dress it up with leggings and heels, or down with jeans.
Also, black is a very forgiving color.
Everyone needs a little black in their closet.
26. Everyone needs to go on a missions trip at least once
I went to Honduras, Central America when I was 16 and it changed my life.
I realized just how much we take for granted here.
Simple things like electricity, wheelchairs when people can’t walk, running water.
I honestly feel like everyone should go on a missions trip at least once in their life.
I promise if you go, you’ll never be the same.
27. It’s not about who I am, it’s about who God is
It doesn’t matter what I’ve accomplished in the last 27 years, or what I will accomplish in the next few years, the only thing that matters is Christ in me.
My life is simply a tablet for him to write his great story on.