Trust God in the Midst of the Unknown: Have Blind Faith

Trust god in the midst of the unknown Miranda rejoice blog

Life is full of twists and turns, surprising paths that are leading to unknown destinations (read about one of my road trips with a surprising twist and an unknown destination by clicking here).  If you’re like me, you think that if God would show you or tell you something you’d be better off. You think you’d be better off because you’d know exactly what to do.  Recently, I have learned this is not always the case. Sometimes you just have to trust God (read my 4 tips for success when you’re trusting God and walking through life here). Read on to find out how I learned this.

The other day, I decided to make my 30 minute drive to work for Jesus only.  I cut off Rick and Bubba (click here for their show) and began to pray.  After I shared with God my thoughts and feelings, I thanked him for having his hand on me. I praised him for continuing to be in control of my life no matter what.

In the midst of my adoration and praise, I was reminded of what my mother taught me.  You see, my mother always taught me that you remind the Lord of what he has said in his word.  Rest assured, God does not have Alzheimer’s.  The devil needs to know you are full of the word of God. Also, the Lord loves to be reminded of it as well.  I began to thank God out loud because his word says that he feeds the sparrows. As a result of this passage, I know I am as important to him as they are (see Matthew 6:26) I am so thankful for that.

The Lesson

About the time I had finished telling him how glad I was that he cared for both the birds and myself, I glanced out of the corner of my eye and noticed a bird flying lower than most I’d ever seen. This bird, flies out in front of me, makes a u-turn and flies into my windshield.  I freeze in horror and can only manage a slight gasp.

I began to doubt that it was a bird that hit my windshield (obviously, God wouldn’t allow that to happen since I’d just thanked him for caring for the birds) so  I made the decision to turn around and I slowed down around the spot I believed I’d made contact with what could have been a bird. There in the middle of the road, was a small bird.  Of course, I burst into tears (even when you trust God some things are difficult).

How could I hit a bird that God was supposed to be watching out for, as I was thanking him for watching it (oh, the irony!).  I struggled with this on my drive to work.  I’m thanking God for watching out for the bird, I’m meditating on the fact he meets even birds most basic needs, and in the process I help a bird go on home to be with the Lord.  I questioned whether or hitting the bird was some kind of sign I was supposed to latch onto.  If it was a sign, I shudder to think of what it would have been for. I began to pray and ask God why he would show me this “sign” that I did not understand the meaning of.  In the midst of my inquiry, the Lord taught me a valuable lesson that I pray I won’t soon forget.

We Don’t Always Know What the Future Holds

One day, the Lord will return to take all who believe in him to live with him in heaven. The angels, and Jesus do not know when this day is (see Matthew 24:36-44). If there is a day that Jesus doesn’t know about, then of course there are things unknown to use too.

I struggle with wanting to control everything (come on, I cannot be the only one here).  It’s nice to have plans A, B, C, and D in place for everything before it happens and anxiety is a good excuse for this.  I like to ask God to speak to me and lay out what the future has in store for myself.  When the Lord doesn’t give me a word, I ask him for a sign. No sign? I “fleece” the Lord by opening my Bible and reading the scripture. Hopefully, it works and whatever scripture it lands on is the answer to my inquiries.  Please don’t do this.  I’m trying to stop myself from doing it also.

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight (Trust God)

I cannot bear the thought of not knowing what is ahead, but God never intended for us to know all that the future has in store.  The Bible says that we are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) not seeking signs but trusting in his word. In fact, Jesus went so far as to say a
“a wicked and adulteress generation ask for a sign!” (Source). I have to admit, that stung a little bit.

Why does God want us to walk by faith and not by site? The answer is simple. It is not always good for us to know everything. In fact, it is ok not to know every detail of the future.

Sometimes, we just have to trust the Lord and follow him wherever he leads.

If we follow the Lord, and trust him with all of our heart, he will show us where we need to go (see Proverbs 3:5-6).

Everything is Not a Sign from God

The unknown is daunting, and it can be overwhelming to walk this path called life. Sometimes, we might be tempted to seek a sign in any and everything that happens (hey, sometimes a bird hitting the windshield is just an accident, not some supernatural sign).   If we trust God and follow him, he will tell us what it is that we need to do.

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
 your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
 “This is the way; walk in it.”

As we journey through life, we will hear the Lord’s voice speaking to us. You do not have to worry, when he speaks, you will know his voice and you will know to follow him (see John 10:27).

I know your path can seem long, it can seem crooked, and it can be a terrifying ordeal but trust me dear one, just like my favorite song says, whatever will come, you will rise above.  God is before you, God will speak to you, God will listen to you, and he will never fail you (see Psalm 136).  Hold on tight, keep on walking, you will make it through this journey.



I ask that you touch the person reading this right now. Please deliver them from the fear of the unknown and give them the kind of peace that only you can give. Help them to follow you no matter what. Remind them to trust God.

As they strive to follow you, I pray that you would help them hear your voice and know with confidence that it is you.  I pray that you would give them strength to face each new day, and the courage to go wherever it is you call them to go.  Help each person walk by faith, and not by sight.  Help each person look to you, the author and finisher of their faith in the days, weeks, months, and even years ahead.  Thank you Lord for this person, for helping them God, and for allowing me the chance to pray over them right now.  I ask all of this in your precious holy name.


I thought I’d share with you one of my most favorite songs It has been on my mind a lot recently.  I hope that this song encourages you as it does me.

An Encouraging Song

Sharing is caring!

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