How to Succeed in Life (4 tips)

Ever have moments in life where you were blindsided by circumstances? I know that I have. 

Make sure you are prepared to face the challenges ahead by reading below and learning how to be successful as you journey through life.

Yesterday, unbeknownst to me, I would end up going on a road trip.  It was a 300 mile round trip journey. It would take me from Sweet Home Alabama to the neighboring state of Georgia. 

While I was driving, I had plenty of time to allow the Holy Spirit to impart some wisdom to me. 

He began to share with me these 4 tips for a successful journey through this life. I hope that these tips help you as much as they did me.    

1. as you journey through life, Have Your Destination in Mind

When I left my office to go to Lawrenceville, GA I had no idea that it would be a two and a half hour trip one way. 

I had no idea that on my way home, I would have to drive thru Atlanta in rush hour traffic.

Keep in mind I wouldn’t even drive in Birmingham before because of all of the traffic.

Would I have done things differently yesterday if I had I known where I was going? Would I have prepared better if I new what all it would entail? You bet!

At the end of this journey called life, we all are faced with choosing one of two destinations.  We can go to heaven or we can go to hell, and the choice is yours.

As a Christian, I know that when I die, I will be going to heaven. I know that it is important to keep heaven in the forefront of my mind while traveling. 

If you’re a Christian, it is important to remember you are not a part of this world. You are a citizen of heaven (see Philippians 3:20). 

Purpose in your mind where you are going (read more about purposing in your heart and mind by clicking here), and don’t stray from the path it takes to get there.

2. make sure to Take the Right Supplies

 If I had known before leaving I’d be going on a road trip, I would have packed differently. 

I would have made sure I had a charger in my car. I would’ve packed a lunch that I could eat on the road. 

Chances are, I would have stopped to fill up my tank so I would know I had enough gas.

On this journey through life, we need to make sure we have the right supplies.  The Bible has a list of supplies we need for the journey ahead:

take these supplies with you on Your Journey
  • The Word of God-We need the word of God in our hearts
  • Armor -There is an armor we need to put on each morning (see Ephesians 6:10-18)
  • Fruit-Fruit of the Spirit that is (see Galatians 5:22-23)
  • God’s Love-We need God’s love around us (see Ephesians 3:17)
  • A Guide-We need the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us to where we need to be (see John 16:13, Proverbs 3:5-6)                        

3. Surround Yourself with People who Will Support You while you journey through life

Just so you know I love my Mom more than anyone on this earth and I don’t know how I’d make it through life without her. She helps me so much. I really can’t imagine life without her.  That being said, let me share with you my next tip and why the Holy Spirit included this particular one.

My Mom’s Version of “Support” on one of the trek’s i’ve made While Journeying through life

I received a phone call from mom.  I could tell by her voice she was concerned. My Mom asked me where I was and I told her what had happened.

I told her I was in bumper to bumper traffic.  In the midst of all the stress, my mom proceeds to tell me

“IF you make it home this evening, you need to thank God you did because a lot of people don’t. A lot of people have died on that very road”.

I can tell you that while I’m sure in some way my Mom didn’t mean to make me panic, she did.

In the heat of the moment, I definitely did not need to hear that others could have died right where I was at!

Surround yourself with people who support you and can offer wise counsel because listening to wise counsel can help you avoid trouble and can be beneficial to you (see Proverbs 12:15 and Proverbs 11:14).

I understand that some of you may feel like you do not have anyone that you can turn to in a time of need. 

I will pray that God will send you a godly friend (or two or three) that can be there for you. 

Meanwhile, remember there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24) His name is Jesus and you can always talk to him.

4. strive to take as Many People as You Can to Your Destination

As Christians we were given the command to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). 

As citizens of heaven preparing to go there in the future, we need to try to get as many people to come along with us as we possibly can. 

According to Luke 13:29 people will come from all over the world to join Jesus in a feast. 

Don’t you want your friends and family there too?

Like Paul we need to become all things to all people so that we can save some of them (see 1 Corinthians 9:19-23). 

Be sure to strive to take as many individuals with you to heaven as you can!


We are all on a road trip, a journey to an eternal home. 

Which home will you choose? will you choose heaven, or will you choose hell?

The choice is yours and yours alone. 

On the way there, don’t forget to take what you need.

My advice is to fill yourself with God’s word so you can make it through the difficult times. 

Talk to friends when you need help, and while you travel, share the gospel with others and tell them how they can go with you!

Most of all, choose to find joy in the journey.

Sharing is caring!

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