The Anointing and Oil: 5 Amazing Ways it Can Help You

Yesterday I went to see my rheumatologist. He did not have to give me any injections, pull any fluid off my knee, or even do labs.

I actually had a visit with the doctor that didn’t involve needles. One of the first for me in a very long time.

I did talk to the doctor about the burning, swelling, and redness around my knees. The doctor prescribed a prescription only gel that should help.

The gel itself brought to mind the anointing oil and motivated me to look into the physical and spiritual benefits of anointing oil.

I would like to share with you 5 facts about the anointing and oil that I learned while doing my research.

1. It can be used as Medicine

Oils have been used as medicines for centuries.

In Luke 10:34 we see that the “Good Samaritan” put an oil and wine on the wounds a man who lay injured on the side of the road before he took him to an inn.


According to a 2010 study in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, because of its high antioxidant capacity, myrrh (a type of oil) can protect against liver damage (Source).

Myrrh helps to treat hypothyroidism or a low functioning thyroid.

Because it aids in reducing stress, it can decrease the stress on an overworked thyroid.

Two or three drops on the thyroid area every day will diminish the symptoms of thyroid disease (Source).


Frankincense oil kills harmful germs and bacteria.

As an antiseptic and disinfectant, frankincense fragrance oil can eliminate cold and flu germs from your home and body (Source).

Frankincense acts as a sleep aid by reducing anxiety at night, calming the body, and opening the airway passages to make breathing easier (Source).

2. Anointing Oil used in Conjunction with Prayer will Allow God to Heal

Many times, individuals will anoint the sick with oil and pray for them.

In Mark 6:13, the Bible tells us that the 12 disciples went about anointing the sick and they were healed.

James 5:15 tells us that if any among us is sick, they should call upon the elders of the church and have them anoint them and pray over them with oil.

Anointing oil used with prayer, will bring about God’s healing power.

3. Oil Can Be a Symbol to Others that You Are Set Apart

Anointing people with oil was a common practice in Biblical times.  Priests and Kings would be anointed with oil to show that they were set apart for service (see Exodus 40:15). Click To Tweet

4. God has Anointed Us and It Gives Us Power.

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 10:38).

Just as God anointed his son with the Holy Spirit, he anoints us.

He gives us the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can do what he has called us to do (see 2 Corinthians 1:2).

I would like to reaffirm that it isn’t just a “select few” that receive his anointing, but it is everyone who calls themselves a Christian (see John 2:20).

5. The anointing brings about peace and protection from our enemies.

In Psalm 23:5, David says “You anoint my head with oil”.

Sheep can be tormented by flies which hum in their ears and lay eggs in their nostrils.

Sometimes the sheep are tormented so badly that they beat their heads against the rock until they die.

The shepherd anoints the sheep’s head with oil to protect it from it’s enemies and so it can live in peace.

When the Lord covers us with his anointing, there is peace for us and protection from our enemies as well

Bonus Content

As an added bonus for reading this blog post, I would like to add 3 ways to Activate the Anointing.  These 3 ways to Activate the Anointing are courtesy of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.  You can check out the whole article here if you’d like more information

  1. Focus on God’s Word.  If you focus on God’s word it will activate the anointing in your life.
  2. Express Your Faith.  When people were sick they cried out to God to heal them.   We can express our faith with words as well as actions.  When we express our faith, the anointing is activated in our lives.
  3. Walk it out everyday.  Walking in faith isn’t a one time thing but a continuous way of life.

Friend, I pray that as you walk in God’s anointing you will receive those blessings that are needed in your life.

Not only that, I pray that your life will be a testimony to all you come into contact with.

God bless you and thank you for taking the time to read this post!.

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