Last week, I wrote a post on “Recovering Your God-Given Identity” and in it, there are 4 facts about your identity.
After writing the post, I did more research on identity.
My research on this topic has made me feel led me to do a 5 part series on our identity.
The article I’ve linked helped to spark my passion for this series.
I will post 1 part of the series every Friday during the month of March.
Be one of the first to read each part of the series by subscribing to my blog.
Why is learning about our identity so important? I’m so glad you asked!
Identity Affects Your Mental Health
Your identity has to do with who you think you are and how you perceive yourself.
As a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), I know first hand the link between a strong identity, self-esteem, and good mental health.
If you have a positive self-image, you will not be as easily influenced by the thoughts and opinions of others.
You will have less risk of experiencing anxiety or depression, and you will be at decreased risk for abusing alcohol or drugs (don’t believe me? Research it and see for yourself).
Identity Comes with Purpose

Knowing your identity isn’t just important for good mental health. It is also important as it is where your sense of purpose comes from.
Whenever you are aware of who you are, it will affect the choices you make. Your identity is a reason you do the things you do.
Your choices are impacted by your identity. The choices you make can affect the world around you.
Believe me, knowing your identity can impact a lot (more on this to come).
I’m not the only one who understands the impact that identity can have on an individual.
Even the devil himself understands the importance of knowing who you are and what you were created for.
A Calling Hinging on Belief in Identity

Matthew 4:3
"If you are the son of God, tell these stones to become bread"
In Mark chapter 4, we begin to read the story of Jesus being led by the Spirit to go into the wilderness where he would be tempted by the devil.
Jesus had went 40 days and 40 nights without eating and let me assure you, he was STARVING.
Quick fact, the devil will always attack you when you are at your lowest. He isn’t very good at what he does, so he has to come at you when you are weak and vulnerable.
The first thing the devil does is attack Jesus’ identity.
In verse 3 we read the first words to come out of his mouth, “IF you are the son of God…” (emphasis mine).
The devil began to work at trying to make Jesus doubt his identity.
If the devil could just get Jesus to doubt who he was and what he was called to do, maybe he wouldn’t die on the cross.
Jesus was aware of who he was and he had a rock solid identity. His identity was not based on his feelings, but on what the word of the Lord said.
Jesus could rest in the fact that he was indeed the son of God.
Because he was aware of his identity in the Father, Jesus knew what his purpose was.
He knew that his father called him to save people from their sin and eventually death.
It is in Christ alone we find our true identity. If we know who we are in Christ, we will discover what our purpose is.
Once we know our purpose and strive to fulfill it, he will give us the power to do it.
What’s Your Identity?
Romans 11:29
The gifts and callings of God are without repentance
What does this particular verse mean?
It means that once God calls you, he will not change his mind about the calling.
Once he gives you something, he will not take it back.
Are you struggling to find your sense of identity and purpose? Hang in there, dear one.
Once you ask him to reveal his purpose to you, he will!
Once he calls you, he will continue to equip you to do the work.
The key to fulfilling your purpose is to know who you are in Christ.
Eventually, we will explore more of who we are. For now, take comfort in the fact you’re redeemed and his (Isaiah 43:1).
If you have hung in this far, I applaud you and I appreciate you taking the time to read this as I understand it was lengthy.
I pray that in the weeks ahead as we study our identity together, that God will give me the words to speak (or should I say, type?) and that he will help me to convey the message he has given me as best I can.
As you seek him and continue the journey toward knowing your identity in him, I hope that he will open your eyes to who you really are.
I trust that he will give you wisdom, and knowledge, and that he will help strengthen you as you continue to do what he has called you to do.
Thanks for going with me on this journey into discovering our God given identity. God bless!

Izaak Walton
One reason so many kids are struggling these days (I believe) is that we have so removed God for everything that kids have nothing to build their lives on. So they go out and try everything (meaning bad things, too) to try and figure out who they are. Thank you for your post! God bless you –
I couldn’t agree more. It’s so important we advocate for Christ in schools but if that’s not possible, at least got them involved in church, taught the word of God at home. It’s in Christ we live, move, and have our being. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this post. God bless you also!
Please I will need the part 2-5,oooo God bless you for this amazing message,it really did a lot ,you are blessed and highly favoured.