Ease the Pain of Arthritis Naturally (5 Supplements)

Do you suffer from arthritis pain? Read on to discover 5 supplements to ease the pain of arthritis naturally.


I am not a doctor and I  am not endorsing these supplements as a cure for any disease or condition.  I am simply sharing what supplements I take that I have found to be effective in reducing my pain levels.  Please talk with your physician before trying any supplements. 

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Do you suffer from arthritis pain? Read on to discover 5 supplements to ease the pain of arthritis naturally.

1. Turmeric

Tumeric was the first supplement I tried to ease the pain of arthritis.  I had read reports that Turmeric could help with a smorgasbord of problems.  People said that it could help with anything from painful menstrual cramps to headaches so I decided to try Turmeric for my knee pain.  Within one week of trying Turmeric, I noticed reduced pain and swelling in my knees.  One thing to take note of,  I went from taking one 500mg tablet to two 500mg tablets as the rain and humidity this summer has increased the pain.  I would highly recommend you try Turmeric to help with joint pain.  Especially if that pain is in your knees or other small joints (such as fingers).

2. Magnesium

Some friends of my Mom recommended she take this for pain.  She told me it made a difference to her so I decided to try it.  Its bee two weeks now and I already notice less hip pain.  When I called the doctor to make sure this supplement was safe to take, he told me that it was and that it would not interact with other medications.  He told me that if I am going to see improvement, I should see a big improvement within the first month of taking the supplement.  I am excited to see how well this supplement will work as I am already seeing slight improvement.

 3. Potassium

Another supplement recommended by my Mom and supported by my doctor. I started this supplement at the same time I began the magnesium and as stated previously, there is slight improvement in my joint pain thus far.  Because I started potassium and magnesium at the same time, I’m not sure if you can take one without the other or if they work more effectively together.

4. Folic Acid

Folic Acid is more to help with the nausea from the medication that I am on but I think it is important to add to this list because it helps with joint pain as well as nausea from the medicine.  I found out just how effective folic acid is when I thought that my multivitamin had enough Folic Acid and quit taking the pills in addition to the vitamin. Let me tell you, after about a month of not taking Folic Acid pills, I was sicker than I have been in a very long time. As a result, I  know that it is important for me to take Folic Acid pills as well as a multivitamin with Folic Acid in it.

5. Garlic

This one caused these weird ridges in my head so I had to stop it but I did find that it was effective for helping to ease the joint pain while I was on it.  I have talked to lots of other individuals and they say that they have never experienced anything like I did and they claim it is effective in relieving their pain so I felt it was worth adding in case it might help one of you.


Again, I am not a doctor and do not endorse these supplements as a cure for any disease.  Please talk with your doctor before starting any supplement.  I wanted to share with you what I have found to be effective for myself. 

Are there supplements that you take that aren’t listed that you find helpful in easing the pain of arthritis naturally? If so, drop them in the comments below! If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my post on the 5 exercises proven to reduce arthritis pain

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10 thoughts on “Ease the Pain of Arthritis Naturally (5 Supplements)”

  1. Great idea for a post! And the suggestion about turmeric was excellent. I just wrote a post on how there have been a couple thousand studies on turmeric and it’s ability to kill cancer cells and even the cancer stem cells (which chemo doesn’t by the way). So yes, recommend it for inflammation and pain management. But you’re also going a long way towards avoiding cancer too! How cool is that?

  2. Thanks for giving me some food for thought. My doctor has only prescribed Aleve, but I feel like it hardly touches the problem. I take Tumeric in my coffee every morning, but I may not be taking enough. I’m going to up the dose based upon your recommendation. I used to take Magnesium, but then I stopped. I had not heard that it was good for arthritis. I’ve only had arthritis for a year, so I’m still exploring what works and what doesn’t. Thank you.


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