God loves us all. The depth of a Father’s Love knows no bounds.
There is nothing that God won’t do for his children and my experience with two boys is proof of that.
Please, allow me to share with you how God blessed these boys and lavished his love on them.
Experience with the Boys
A boy I was helping taught me so much about the love of the Lord. He taught me about just how much God cares about the little details.
You see, His foster home of four years had recently disrupted. We had picked him and his brother up to place them in another home.
I was charged with the task of supervising them in the office. The boys and I were playing with some toys in the visiting room, and then decided we would play Jenga.
Over a rousing game of Jenga, the child asked a question. The Holy Spirit then used that question to teach me about the character of God.
The Conversation and the beginning of seeing the depth of a father’s love
The boy asked me, “are only Christians allowed to be foster parents?”. I began to explain that anyone regardless of race, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs could become a foster parent.
I noticed a look of horror come across his face. When I asked him why he wanted to know, he stated: “I am a Christian. I was recently baptized, and I love going to church”.
We talked for some time about how he attended a Baptist church with his foster family. I shared with him about how I grew up in church and how my Dad was a pastor in a church for most of my life.
During the course of our conversation, another question came up. He asked me “what if my new foster parents are not Christian and I cannot go to church?”.
Because I didn’t know the religious beliefs of the foster family, I told him I was sure that we could find a way to get them to a church if they wanted.
I reminded him that God loves him so much, he would make sure that they went to the right home. One that would share the same religious beliefs that the two of them do. For the time being, this put his mind at ease.
God, the Father of All-the depth of God the father’s love
We continued to play and talk and the Holy Spirit reminded me that God is a father to everyone. Just look at 1 John 3:1:
1 John 3:1We are Children of God and he loves us. Share on X
See what great love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
In his word, God tells us that we shouldn’t worry. He says that we should pray and make our needs known to him instead (see Philippians 4:6).
the depth of a father’s love means he [God] Cares About the Little Details
God cares about the little details of our lives. Share on XBecause God is our father, he cares about our every need. Not only does he care about meeting our needs, he is concerned with even the smallest details in our lives. Want a clear picture of just how detail oriented he is? Look at the following verse:
Matthew 10:30
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered [by God]
If you shed and lose as many hairs from your head as I do, you can imagine that keeping up with your hairs is time consuming for God.
Good news, he does it anyway because he loves you and is concerned with everything about you (how cool is that?)!
The Boys New Home and how god showed the depth of a father’s love
When the foster parents got off work and were ready for the boys to come over, I drove all of their stuff to the new home.
As soon as I walked into the door, I could tell that the home was going to be a great fit for them.
When we walked into the home, there was a piano to the left of the doorway with a redback hymnal sitting on it.
There was southern gospel music playing on the radio and the foster mom was in the kitchen cooking.
When the boys went into the kitchen, we were able to tell her a little bit about the boys (about their recent baptism and their love for church).
The new foster mother told the boys that they attend a Baptist church and their son is a youth pastor at that church.
God says that he will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4), and God knew that the boys wanted a home with individuals who loved Christ as much as they did.
The Lord was faithful and granted them their wish.
God is not a respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). The same way he gave the boys their godly desire, he will do the same for you if you trust and believe that he will.
Bonus Content: Why You Should Foster
DISCLAIMER: While a lot of what I am going to say is based on the word of God, it is important to note that even if you are not a Christian, a child in need could be depending on you for a safe place to stay.
Remember, you do not have to be a Christian to be a foster parent, you just have to be willing to show love to a child in need.
God Could be Calling You to be a Foster Parent
James 1:27
Pure and faultless religion is this:
to look after the widows and the orphans in distress.
God feels such passion and cares very deeply for the fatherless and widows in particular. He himself is called a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows (see Psalm 68:5)
If God Can Help the Widows and Orphans Himself, He Will Help You Do it Too
Psalm 146:9
God works to sustain the fatherless and the widow
To sustain means to support physically or mentally (Source)
To sustain means to support physically or mentally (Source). God not only works to meet the physical needs of the fatherless, he is there to comfort and support them during times of sorrow and loneliness.
We are Not to Take Advantage of the Widow and Orphan but to Help Them in Love
God commands us in Exodus 22:22 not to take advantage of the widow or the orphan.
He gently reminds us to let all that we do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).
God takes the grief of orphans into his hand (see Psalm 10:14) and he could be wanting to use you to help those who are grieving.
If you are searching for your purpose, and or if you have a heart for children, please, look into being a foster parent.
It won’t cost you anything, but for the child it could be everything. You have so much to give to someone. Your talents, your skills, your expertise are needed by someone, somewhere.
Remember that whatever you do for someone else, you are doing to God also (see Matthew 25:40). Whatever you do to help someone else, make sure you do it to bring glory to God (see Colossians 3:17).
In the end, not only will the individual you’ve touched be blessed because of your actions, I firmly believed you will be blessed as well.
P.S. I took the two boys to the Heart Gallery to have their picture made, their video made, and share their story so that they can be placed on the website with other children waiting to be adopted.
I would appreciate it if you would please pray for E. and J. that God would put them in the right family so that the boys and the family who adopts them will all be blessed. Thanks!
Song for You
Here is a video of a song that has played in my mind over and over as I have pondered what to share with you through this post. I believe it conveys just what the Lord has been gently reminding me of the last couple of days. I hope that you enjoy this video!