I’ve shared with you 25 Words of Encouragement for Your Season of Waiting and 20 Must Read Scriptures for When Fear Grips Your Heart. Below are 5 verses that are guaranteed to cool your hot anger. Believe me, I think the Lord led me to write this because I need it myself. If you are in the profession of helping people like I am, there are times the world can take a lot out of you. If you’re not careful, you can even reach the point of becoming angry. Need a way to calm the beast of anger? Read these verses. I’m sure they will encourage you to give your anger to the Lord (they certainly encouraged me!)
1. First of five verses guaranteed to cool Your Hot Anger Ephesians 4:26

It is alright to feel the emotion of anger but do not do anything while you are angry that you will regret. Don’t do something to someone to get revenge or do something that you will be ashamed of later. I don’t know about you but, that sentence after the colon is very important to me. “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”. If that doesn’t encourage you to give your anger over to God as soon as possible, I don’t know what will.
2. Proverbs 29:11

The Verse (Proverbs 29:11)
Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.
Ouch! Dear one, that stung a bit when I read it. Let me tell you why. I am the world’s worst about complaining. I have prayed about it and I am working on it but holding my feelings in isn’t something that comes easy for me. If I am angry, the first thing I want to do is grab my phone and text my girlfriend all about it. Come on, I can’t be the only one, right? Whether I like it or not, the Bible says that a full vents their rage. Wise people remain quiet and bring peace. I don’t know about you but, I’d like to be thought of as wise ESPECIALLY in Jesus’ mind!.
If you need help taming your tongue, I’d like to encourage you to read my post which explains how you can transform your tongue and why you should by clicking here.
3. James 1:19-20-another verse on the list of verses guaranteed to cool your hot anger.
You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak,
and slow to get angry.
Human anger doesn't produce the good fruit that God desires.
Alright, so according to the Bible not only do I have to listen to individuals and hold my tongue, I must also be slow to get angry with them. Now, does this mean I need to just be a silent mat for someone to walk all over? Goodness, no! What it does mean is that I should listen to people, hear them out, and then try not to get angry with them. Now, we are human so again we can feel the emotion of anger but it’s what we do with the anger that is important. What we need to do is give it to God! “Vengeance is mine says the Lord” (see Romans 12:19).
4. Proverbs 14:29
Verse (NLT Version)
“Those who control their anger have great understanding;
those with a hasty temper will make mistakes.
Who likes to make mistakes? I don’t. I want to do the best that I can in life. Of course I won’t be perfect but I want to do my best no matter what I am working on. Someone who is able to take control of their anger will be able to take instruction and will become wise but those who get angry quick will make mistakes. If you get angry quickly and react in a bad way, it’s bound to mess up things. I know I’ve said this a lot but what’s better than getting angry quickly and reacting in a bad way? Turning it over to God (preaching to myself here).
5. Ephesians 4:31-32

Verse (NIV Version)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger,
brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice.
32 Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
As Christ followers, we are called to “get rid of” all rage and anger. We are told to not just stop there but get rid of any kind of malicious behavior as well. We are called to be “kind and compassionate” to others. Christ asks us to “forgive them” just like he forgave us. Wow, this really hits home. Jesus loved me and willingly died for me knowing I would do things that would break his heart. He loved me in spite of me doing things that could make anyone angry with me. If Jesus could forgive me knowing the wrong that I would do and I want to be like him, it would follow that I would forgive those who make me angry as well. Even though there are times when people will push our buttons and we will get angry, we must be slow to react in anger, quick to forgive, and we must hand our anger over to God and not hold a grudge. If we do these things, we will be blessed.
Oh Dear One, laying aside our anger and forgiving those who have hurt us can be so difficult. Mind if I take a moment to pray with you?
Dear Lord,
I pray for the person reading this post right now. I pray that you would help them to turn over any anger they might be feeling right now to you. God, I pray that if they have done something in anger that they regret, you would remind them of your grace and mercy and how you are ready to welcome them back with open arms if only they will repent. Touch those that are adding fuel to the hot anger that my friend here is experiencing. Work out the situation, bring peace to the situation. Calm the fighting and heal the wounds that it has caused. Help the person reading this to forgive, and forget and continue to love those who have hurt them. It isn’t easy, but it is possible through you. May you help the person reading this to show love to others just as they have been shown love by you. Thank you, Lord for hearing and answering my prayer and for working in the life of the person reading this right now. Everything that I have asked, I ask in Jesus’ name.
Write these verses down in a journal and keep them near you for when you need them. Don’t have a journal? You can find one HERE. Are there are verses you read to help cool your hot anger that were not on this list, please feel free to share them in the comments below. Like what you’ve read? Subscribe to my blog to get posts like this straight to your inbox and never miss an update.
We most certainly have to watch for how we allow our frustrations and irritations to transpire. I also have to be mindful in this area. It can be easy to get in the flesh, especially when tired, in pain or overwhelmed but that’s the best opportunity for us to see the power of the Holy Spirit work. When we lean into Him for strength to overcome our emotions and respond the way God wants us to. I just wrote on this as well in a series about watching our attitudes 🙂
You’re right it can be difficult but when we allow the Holy Spirit to work, God gets the glory. The series sounds great. I will be sure and check it out. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. God bless!